Benefits Identification

  • “We’ve achieved more in two days than in two years!”

    “We’ve achieved more in two days than in two years!”

    These were the words of a Nordic Country Manager for a major global financial organisation following a two-day workshop in defining desired business outcomes and benefit identification for a critical business initiative that had been struggling to get clarity and direction for some time. And yes – We are proud of spontanious outbursts like…

  • 4 Approaches to Benefits Management

    4 Approaches to Benefits Management

    The following is an immensely relevant article by the late Jed Simms of Totally Optimized Projects. Take your time, read carefully, and ask yourself what the status of your organization is. Are you ready? There are four approaches to Benefits Management and the one you choose will determine the results ‘banked’ by your business When you select your…

ValuePoint | Benefits Realisation at Strategic and Operational Levels

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